Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Question 7


AS media studies has provided me with a lot of differentiating skills, such as;
- Photography/camera work, using the cameras provided and purchasing my own has benefited me a great deal not just for the media product, but for me personally in my own time. 
- computer skills, I feel that using the differentiating softwares will also benefit me significantly throughout my life, even if it's just for entertainment purposes.
- Media Studies, skills in general, these will benefit me no matter what i'm doing, using a camera, to manipulating photos on Photoshop just because I can.

I know that my media product is far from professional, but i did my best in the specified time, and did my best to meet all deadlines possible. I feel that this task has given me many skills and opportunities to improve my skills.

I would probably redo all of the magazine again, just to see what i can do differently the second time around, after actually creating a magazine from scratch. I would change some of the images and the models due to the fact that I now have different ideas and feel that i could do better than i have.

Question 6

Question 5

Question 4)

Question 3)

Question 2)

How does the Media Product represent a particular social group?

My media product is a magazine, it represents a particular social group by focusing on a specific demographic and psychographic profile which relates to all the members of the magazines audience and also ties in with my interests, so while looking at and assessing magazines online such as "NME", "Q" and "Indie Magazine", "indie magazine" isn't a music magazine, but it is focused on the specific genre that i was aiming towards "indie" so as I came to the realisation that i enjoyed the structure and apparel of the "Indie Magazine" magazine so i copied the layout and structure for the cover and some of the photograph designs for the contents page, so as i was intrigued by the publications of "indie magazine" i researched their target audience which is relatively the same as my age group i was working towards, 15-24, and felt this was a relatively suitable magazine to learn from.

I found many pictures online, and i found a particular photo from "NME" which i felt that i could copy, it was actually really simple, pale background with dark, harsh colours standing out to the readers to signify who's actually on the cover. so I copied this layout but posted it with sell lines and more information of the contents inside the magazine, unlike NME due to the fact that they have changed their distribution model.

Within the contents page, i copied "QMagazine" with their layout, and i feel that this is suitable for the audience to engage with due to the fact that they too target a younger audience, so i felt that if i used their layout it would help publicise my contents page towards the specified target group, this also allowed for the target audience to be involved and can even make their own fanzines based off of the information used.

Question 1

Monday, 1 May 2017

Range of photographs I had available

The Photographs within this blog post, is to show that I had a range of  photographs that I had taken to use for my pages, I only chose one photo to use in my pages, and then took some more, afterwards, and then adapted.



Friday, 28 April 2017

Rough Draft of Article for Double Page Spread

The article below is the draft, I decided to change into a Question and Answer Format due to the fact that it's easier to do, and I used a "member of the band" and asked for their background and decided to adapt to the type of music they will be producing.



They’re 2017’s biggest hit, with the UK at their feet, All exclusive with the newly released prodigy band from London, Petrichor, coming from mixed backgrounds but all having exceptional abilities. Learn their thoughts and feelings as they reveal past memories and influences on diving into the top band in the UK wearing their floral shirts and skin tight trousers with their largely oversized jumpers swallowing them inside their own egotistical approach to fame.

Local interviewer asked “is Indie dead” and the petrichor lead singer Elena Haefeli rightfully yet abruptly responded quite simply with “no” and then told them live to listen to the number one album around the UK Synchronicity, then claimed that “indie has just begun” which was also backed up by their local producer.
            They were asked within an interview why they were making music and they responded with the fact that they were inspired by many Indie groups and felt that it needed to cover some ground, and as they started in small gigs in pubs and towns, an out of town music manager said that their lyrics and song were “the fluid that flows in the veins of the Gods”, and so they felt the need to be a foundation of the music industry predominantly in the Indie genre they called themselves “petrichor” meaning “stone” which fit in with the needs of being a foundation and a sturdy one at most. Which is seen as a huge stepping stone in the foundation and clearly reaching their goals, but the only problem is said the interviewer, “can they keep this up?”
South London is way down the charts usually, and mostly known for underground rap, so for Petrichor, bringing back some nostalgia into their music is very well done as they tie in with the differentiating cultures  which was a very difficult start, guitarist Remi Doherty stated “we took the same approach as Oasis, and we feel like it was more comforting knowing we come from the same genre as them so it’s easier to create some sort of reminiscing audio.”
            Cruising down the streets of London in their old, open roofed, beige cadillac drawing a rather curious gaze from the casual rap artists on whether or not they belonged there, Dante Rosetti, stated in his rather gangster accent that “going back through the old streets of East London was rather difficult to see some of my favourite pubs that I used to play in had shut down because of the lack of entertainment, the lack of us…and this makes me feel proud to be back home, where I can be myself, away from all of the cameras and attention”

            This group consisting only of three members, is rising and rising, and keeping their same approach through their albums, which they are now releasing their second album on the 4th of April 2017, (see page 4 for a link to their previews) called “Synchronicity” which includes 5 song titles, with different meanings behind each one, the songs are; The Beast of Rivendell, In The Shallows, Meaningful Coincidence, Vaporized Remains. Wanted Soul, Everlong, and last but not least, Eclipse. Which are all containing subliminal messages from each of their pasts which you can learn more about in their next interview just a week after the album drops Elena said on a previous interview  “which gives you enough time to guess the meaning behind the song, to win a selected item of band merchandise from Petrichor’s website, which has our email, that you can email us your thoughts and feelings on the songs for a chance to enter.”

Double page spread

Double Page Spread

This is my double page spread and I am very pleased with the outcome, I feel that it worked well with the colour scheme of the front cover and contents page. I have used a variety of colours to make the others stand out.

I used a "Q&A" format when doing the double page spread instead of an article, because I felt that it would be easier than writing about a group and making it persuasive.

I feel that the Double Page Spread could have had more time spent on it, but the overall product was still fairly substantial in my opinion.

I didn't follow my plan as much as I thought I would, due to the fact that I saw better ways and learnt better techniques whilst doing the previous pages, so I tested my ability more on the last page.
(I'm aware that the image is in a screenshot format, it's because I couldn't save the image as a jpeg due to the storage being full, and there were technical difficulties trying to clear the space up.)

Thursday, 13 April 2017

Music Magazine contents page

Contents page

This is my Final design for my contents page, I feel that I could have used better models for the pictures, and possibly changed the colour scheme but overall I am pleased with my end product. I was inspired and took a lot of ideas from Q Magazine, and then followed the layout, as well as looking online to see other students and fanzines to become a prosumer for my magazine.

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Cover Page and Edits.

 This is the first cover page I made,
 I then felt as if it needed a few changes and I kept changing until I was happy with the layout, as you can see below.
 I thought this was going to be the final cover page, but I realised the camera graphic was missing, so I rearranged the graphic so the rest of the cover stood out as well as the camera.

The final product and preview of my cover is the image above, and I am rather pleased with the end result.