Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Question 7


AS media studies has provided me with a lot of differentiating skills, such as;
- Photography/camera work, using the cameras provided and purchasing my own has benefited me a great deal not just for the media product, but for me personally in my own time. 
- computer skills, I feel that using the differentiating softwares will also benefit me significantly throughout my life, even if it's just for entertainment purposes.
- Media Studies, skills in general, these will benefit me no matter what i'm doing, using a camera, to manipulating photos on Photoshop just because I can.

I know that my media product is far from professional, but i did my best in the specified time, and did my best to meet all deadlines possible. I feel that this task has given me many skills and opportunities to improve my skills.

I would probably redo all of the magazine again, just to see what i can do differently the second time around, after actually creating a magazine from scratch. I would change some of the images and the models due to the fact that I now have different ideas and feel that i could do better than i have.

Question 6

Question 5

Question 4)

Question 3)

Question 2)

How does the Media Product represent a particular social group?

My media product is a magazine, it represents a particular social group by focusing on a specific demographic and psychographic profile which relates to all the members of the magazines audience and also ties in with my interests, so while looking at and assessing magazines online such as "NME", "Q" and "Indie Magazine", "indie magazine" isn't a music magazine, but it is focused on the specific genre that i was aiming towards "indie" so as I came to the realisation that i enjoyed the structure and apparel of the "Indie Magazine" magazine so i copied the layout and structure for the cover and some of the photograph designs for the contents page, so as i was intrigued by the publications of "indie magazine" i researched their target audience which is relatively the same as my age group i was working towards, 15-24, and felt this was a relatively suitable magazine to learn from.

I found many pictures online, and i found a particular photo from "NME" which i felt that i could copy, it was actually really simple, pale background with dark, harsh colours standing out to the readers to signify who's actually on the cover. so I copied this layout but posted it with sell lines and more information of the contents inside the magazine, unlike NME due to the fact that they have changed their distribution model.

Within the contents page, i copied "QMagazine" with their layout, and i feel that this is suitable for the audience to engage with due to the fact that they too target a younger audience, so i felt that if i used their layout it would help publicise my contents page towards the specified target group, this also allowed for the target audience to be involved and can even make their own fanzines based off of the information used.

Question 1

Monday, 1 May 2017

Range of photographs I had available

The Photographs within this blog post, is to show that I had a range of  photographs that I had taken to use for my pages, I only chose one photo to use in my pages, and then took some more, afterwards, and then adapted.